Star F2 - Mahou shoujo lyrical nanoha Gostoso
(C92) [メタボ喫茶異臭騒ぎ (いたちょう)] F2 -いいなり執務官- (魔法少女リリカルなのは)
#206938 - We had been having a conversation about our nipple rings and when Stan walked in, Cassie and I were modeling our new nipple rings for David and Todd! After Stan’s heart slowed to a normal beat, he talked to David and Todd about plans for supper while Cassie and I got properly attired to go eat! That night after a fine meal, we all went back to the beach house. “Stan, Debra will call you in the morning or will come to the beach house. I didn’t hold back, my arms went around Todd’s neck too and my mouth to his! I wanted them both to know that they could share me; neither of them would not get all of me! I wanted two lovers tonight! The song ended and I excused myself to go to the ladies room.
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