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#258936 - On the Thursday i went shopping and as I looked at the carrots for the right shape I looked over at the cucumbers and just felt myself redden thinking about sliding one up between my lips, I got two large carrots and a cucumber that was slim one end but thick the other, the rest of the shopping was done in a daze and I just wanted to get my little friends home, unfortunately when I did get home Geoff called to say he was on his way home. But as soon as Geoff was out the door each morning I would go and get a large carrot from the fridge and go back to bed I didn’t even need to get myself worked up my body was craving an orgasm as soon as I was awake, sometimes more than one. When I woke up I was covered in sweat from the night and Geoff asked if I was ok and I just replied that I had had a bad nightmare, he just shrugged his shoulders and left to play soldier, as soon as he was gone I got out of bed and went straight to the fridge I picked up the two carrots and just looked at the

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